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Report: The future CFO

Report: The Future CFO: What the function of finance will look like in a difficult year ahead

What the function of finance will look like in a difficult year ahead

Organizations can anticipate a difficult year ahead. Finance leaders, including Chief Financial Officers (CFOs), feel the effects of global economic pressures and extreme uncertainty perhaps more than any other position, financial news platform Raconteur reports. How can they navigate such a challenging economy? Is there a blueprint for a perfectly digitized finance function?

Raconteur’s The Future CFO report investigates the steps finance leaders can take to ride out ongoing supply chain pressures, rising costs, and geopolitical and climate risks, as well as the benefits and risks of emerging technologies and digital transformation strategies.

“The top priority for CFOs will be to focus more on adaptability, collaboration, and decision-making in their departments.” — Raconteur

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  • Key factors to consider when digitizing the finance function
  • What the finance leader role will look like in 2023
  • Whether accepting crypto is advantageous for sellers
  • How finance leaders approach risk during a recession
  • A checklist to help enterprises ride out the turbulence

Download the full report to see what the future holds for finance leaders:
