Profitability Analysis Software

Better business with expert Profitability Analysis

  • Create scenarios, projections and visualizations adaptable to any criteria
  • Speed up internal processes and plan for the future
  • Provide decision-making support for all stakeholders
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Making the case for the future

How will the expansion of your company or mergers and acquisitions affect your business? How much financial sense does a new idea, or a product make? Explore and understand the drivers of your business.

Conduct profitability analyses without the time-consuming manual workload – Jedox software does the prep work for you. The Jedox platform integrates and combines business-wide data in a unified database, and gathers, merges, and processes these automatically, providing you with all the information you need for budgeting, planning, forecasting and analysis. With Jedox, you create a single source of truth that enables a comprehensive, cause-related allocation of costs – precise and with granular detail. Analyze the profitability of specific profit centers and create statements about the return on investment of individual units and measures. Jedox not only analyzes the data but can also derive recommendations for action or simulate and optimize scenarios for planning purposes.

Jedox is recognized as a Leader in the Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Financial Planning Software based on its completeness of vision and ability to execute.* Gain complete visibility of your profitability at all levels of business activities, and provide stakeholders with vital information for faster, more precise and more successful strategic and operational decisions.

* Gartner is a registered trademark and service mark and MAGIC QUADRANT is a registered trademark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally and are used herein with permission. All rights reserved.

Planning and analysis software your team will love

The Jedox Add-in for Excel 365 simplifies how you and your team work within a familiar interface that accesses the data models within the Jedox platform. The single source of truth provides information in real time. Planners save substantial time due to the automation of repetitive tasks, while Jedox enables them to take advantage of new features and functionalities – always in accordance with the roles and individual access rights that you assign. With Jedox, you can seamlessly connect budgeting, planning, and forecasting activities across the organization – empower your team by driving visibility, accuracy, and collaboration.

Gain transparency across the board

Get more detailed analyses with automatic data integration and preparation. Jedox unifies information from business-wide sources and provides transparency over the profitability of every business activity. It creates a consistent picture, from individual postings to divisional profitability. Complete visibility of profitability across all levels of your business is the result.

Plan with granular detail

Cover your routine tasks faster than ever before and gain valuable time to dig much deeper. Enhance the level of financial detail, and get a view of profitability by customer, service, or business unit. Drill down to transactional data, create scenarios, models and projections to identify possible bottlenecks, pursue new ideas or discover future potential.

Use simulations to get ahead

Way beyond your routine tasks and standard reporting, Jedox enables you to analyze profitability and performance. Simulate the effect of changing key value drivers on your business results and provide stakeholders with the crucial information they need for better business decisions. With Jedox, business insights are always available in Excel, your browser, and via the Jedox Mobile App.

Move your business forward

Answer questions and respond to new market conditions or changing situations in real time. As your competitors also embrace greater levels of autonomous finance, create a digital twin of your business – your perfect sandbox for experimenting with the financial aspects of new ideas, approaches, or products. Whatever you do, Jedox supports you with the information your company needs to remain successful even in uncertain times, while you are safeguarding the financial well-being of the business.

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Product Tour

See Jedox in action

What it’s like to work with Jedox

Organizations of all sizes trust Jedox to model any scenario, integrate data from any source, and simplify cross-organizational plans.

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IMC Pan Asia Alliance reporting is consolidated and 3x faster

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768 monthly Excel reports replaced by Jedox

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Mantrac reduces time spent on repetitive data integration tasks by 75%

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EZ-Link completes forecasting process 6x faster

Jedox integrated business planning

The world’s most adaptable planning and performance management platform

The exhilarating feeling when your organization plans, budgets, forecasts, and analyzes performance the way you envisioned. When you plan for the future and achieve your goals.

We call it jedox logo superplannen blue

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