On-Demand Webinars:

How Finance Can Drive Value Through ESG

What you will learn:

  • ESG as a driver of value for Finance

  • Be proactive instead of reactive

  • Use changing times as an opportunity for value creation

ESG has been a prime point on the CFOs’ agenda in the past years, as the European Union is pushing companies into action on the ESG front by forcing them to report on a flurry of metrics. It feels like a story we’ve heard before in the finance function and if history repeats itself, we’ll be reactive and overwhelmed by technicalities rather than being on top of things and using new requirements as an opportunity to drive value creation. Expert Anders Liu-Lindberg and Dr. Jan-Philipp Menke from Jedox believe there’s a different way! Find out during this webinar how ESG can become a driver of value instead of a box to tick.

  • Organizer

    CFO Netherlands

  • Duration


  • Language


  • Speakers

    Dr. Jan-Philipp Menke, Principal Value Architect, Jedox
    Anders Liu-Lindberg, COO & CMO, Business Partnering Institute