Discover how Jedox simplifies planning, analytics and reporting.

  • Shorten your planning cycles with automated data integration
  • Analyze business drivers with comprehensive and easy-to-use Artificial Intelligence

  • Move from manual to automated forecasting for increased accuracy and react quickly.
  • Easy to use Excel-friendly interface
  • Deliver accurate, real-time data

Trusted by market experts

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Jedox integrated business planning

The world’s most adaptable planning and performance management platform

The exhilarating feeling when your organization plans, budgets, forecasts, and analyzes performance the way you envisioned. When you plan for the future and achieve your goals.

We call it jedox logo superplannen blue

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What it’s like to work with Jedox

Leverage Jedox expertise and partner network to start your digital transformation today

2,800+ organizations around the world exceed expectations. Achieve the exhilarating feeling when your organization plans, budgets, forecasts, and analyzes performance the way you envisioned. When you plan for the future and achieve your goals. We call it Superplännen.

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Henkell Freixenet reduces work hours by 80% annually

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From 1,000+ spreadsheets to a unified platform

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EZ-Link completes forecasting process 6x faster

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Reduced time spent in data transfer and consolidation by 98%

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Mantrac reduces time spent on repetitive data integration tasks by 75%

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$500,000 in savings from integration

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Finnish Red Cross reduces budgeting and planning process by 50%

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Increased forecast accuracy with AI-enhanced predictive analytics

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Integrated business planning approach increased scenario planning frequency 3x within months