Product Updates

Here you will find all blog posts about current and past innovations to the Jedox solution. We regularly report on the latest features and versions of Jedox, so you never miss a thing. In our articles you can get a first insight into the latest features and get a first impression of the many possibilities. All new features are also described in detail in our Knowledge Base.

  • whats new 2024 1 overview
    Categories: Product Updates3.5 min read

    Effortless AI-powered analysis: introducing JedoxAI in the 2024.1 platform update

  • whats new 2023 4 overview
    Categories: Product Updates4.1 min read

    Jedox platform release 2023.4 improves data transparency and quality through Drill Anywhere and source system connectivity

  • whats new 2023 3 overview
    Categories: Product Updates4.3 min read

    Jedox platform release 2023.3 improves ease of use and facilitates higher productivity

  • whats new 2023 2 overview 1
    Categories: Product Updates5.4 min read

    Jedox platform release 2023.2 elevates comparison

  • whats new 2023 1 overview 1
    Categories: Product Updates4.7 min read

    Jedox platform release 2023.1 simplifies reporting and provides greater control

  • whats new 2022.4 overview
    Categories: Product Updates4.7 min read

    Jedox platform release 2022.4 includes heatmaps and simplified dashboards to share insights across the organization

  • whats new 2022.3 overview 1
    Categories: Product Updates4.3 min read

    Jedox platform release 2022.3 introduces new visualizations and planning assistance

  • whats new 2022.2 overview
    Categories: Product Updates3.5 min read

    Jedox platform release 2022.2 speeds planning orchestration and communication

  • whats new jedox 2022 1 overview 03
    Categories: Product Updates3.1 min read

    Jedox 2022.1 accelerates Model development and collaboration